Mobile Application for Entrepreneurs Everywhere to solve the world’s problems - App project

Mobile Application for Entrepreneurs Everywhere to solve the world’s problems - App project

Premium project
Budget: Very low (USD) · Location: Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
App · Closed

Mobile app project description

This app works by grouping people based on the skills they posses, and then they can meet people with complementary skills to them and work together to start successful businesses and let everyone, themselves and the world benefit from their innovations. Eveyones always looking for the next big thing you see and this app will help them discover it all in one place. In addition to this most of the businesses in the world are SMES (small and medium entreprices) and this will allow more smes to be created increasing overall wealth of everyone and increasing the overall business of everyone as the new businesses will have their own needs to be met which will have to be done by another business and when this combines to create a massive network of interconnected businesses everyones business will increase creating more wealth and improving the economy.
First a user has to create an account.
So this app will allow people with ideas to post their ideas on the app. And people with skills to post their skills on the app. And people with capital to post their resources on the app. And people with other forms of capital, ie connections to post what they can do on the app. After that they will be able to browse the app to see what other people want to do and how they can help them and contact each other and start working together over the internet as everything is done these days and create amazing new innovative companies together and earn lots of profits. There will be filters to prevent fraud and strong intellectual property protections in the app.

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