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Top app development companies interview: Mojo Sol – Follow up

on May 18, 2016

After over a year, we got back in touch with Khurram Hussain, CEO of Mojo Sol It Services.

Your last interview was published on April 2015. What great apps have you been working on since then and what are your biggest plans for next year?

We developed many social and utility apps and this year we are targeting local brands to develop a digital partnership and offer different services.

To name a few: Hoboken Parking App helping people to find parking locations and timings to make their life easier, besides Vpark which we made for Norwagian Company with the same name as the app and we are working currently on Crassic park application. Seems we have mastered the art when it comes to parking apps.

Besides that we have developed RVR which is a very unique fitness app of its kind, a dating app, food apps. Our portfolio has grown and 2016 looks very promising.

We also finished successfully some corporate projects like Photo Tag, which we got through Appfutura. It is unique in many sense as it has application in Insurance, Journalism and even law enforcement.

If you had to choose one category, what kind of app you think is Mojosol’s specialty?

I would say Taxi/Parking, social and food app.

Does your company prefer to work with native language, hybrid or web?

We prefer native. We do not recommend hybrid unless budget is constrained.

Which app has been the biggest challenge for Mojo Sol?

Recently we developed an app GetUpAndGoSanFrancisco and the difficult part was to implement TripAdvisor API. As TA does not provide technical support and we had to do lot of research and development to find the best and quickest solution. We had to review blogs and we also had to contact many other developer that were facing the same issue but finally we found a solution and our app is live now. It is for the great city of San Francisco which is our home and it helps visitors and tourists to find attractions, restaurants and unique spots and places.

Last time we spoke, you said “Android OS has been progressing quite rapidly. Conceived as a compare to IOS. I would personally go with an Xperia Z2 device for Android ”. A lot has happened since then. What would you say about the best OS now?

iOS and Android, both have grown. But maturity and flexibility of Android has surpassed iOS in many ways. The war between the two is not much different as the one between Windows and Mac in the 80s.

Eventually iOS will lose market share as the difference between the two is fast diminishing as UX for both is par with each other while the number of apps in the two app stores is tilting in Android's favor which will be the ultimate advantage for Android in this marathon unless iOS Siri (Artificial Intelligence bot) becomes really smart.

What do you think will be the biggest smartphone release in 2016 and why?

As per market review and experts, the iPhone 7 should be more revolution than evolution. But looking at the smartsphone competitive and crowded space, all high definition camreas and displays AI will be a big release.

Besides smartphones, what mobile device do you think is worth having first?

Virtual reality will be the next big thing and will change all aspects and its evolution is happening much faster than AI. Ultimately AI has to cover all aspects of our life from being our car driver to a chef to a cleaner. I can’t wait for that day. I must say it has to be every men’s dream.

What do you think mobile devices will be able to do in the future that they don’t do now?

I think smartphone peripherals have not evolved as much as they could, like glucometer, blood pressure instrument etc. Moreover, unless smartphones are not smart enough to understand spoken language commands flawlessly that have AI, we should not be too excited that mobile devices can do much different 'till then compared to what they can do now.

What smartphone feature could you not live without?


Is Mojosol adapting to the new technologies and devices coming along?

Yes, we are adapting and working on all new and advance technologies like AG and Bigdata and devices like BT, iBeacon and Raspberry Pi, etc. We are working on AI project and cannot tell right now anything else about it.

What advice would you give to anyone with an app idea who didn’t know how to get started?

Wireframe and documentation. I wish we all had twins like in Avatar movie and connect with each other to understand without speaking, we could perfectly communicate our thoughts flawlessly but 'till then I am afraid any one who wants to get started should follow: wireframe, documentation, prototype UI using websites and most important, check how it fits with business idea. Remember that an app idea is nothing but a business idea and you must know how your business will work for your app to work properly.

Go to their AppFutura company profile to get more information about Mojo Sol.

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