Top 10 Mobile App Development Companies of 2016

Published on Dec 21, 2016 in App Development
Top 10 mobile app development companies of 2016

Creating a list of the best of the best is never easy. There are, after all, dozens of highly qualified, very talented and successful developers within the ranks of AppFutura. We have more than 15k developers registered in our platform and we've listed the top 10 mobile app development companies among all.

Using parameters such as the amount of times hired, service and quality of the apps produced, the following list was cobbled together to highlight the mobile app development companies who have demonstrated the greatest performance out of all companies on AppFutura in 2017. This may seem like an easy task, and indeed there were some standouts, but in general this proved to be quite difficult, as there was a host of developers who were producing quality work.

Ready4SReady4SMobile Apps for Start-UpsMobile app development company in Kraków, PolandFeatured mobile app: ClickEdu

If being named AppFutura’s 2015 Mobile App Developer of the year means anything then Ready4S is clearly a step ahead of the rest. A developer operating in several countries and continents around the world, this firm has a staggering 96% on-time delivery rate which its clients not only appreciate, but sometimes rely on. To ensure that their service and quality of work are held to the highest of standards, the company long ago implemented their “Pay only when we get it right” guarantee. As the name suggests, Ready4S is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that the customer not only leaves happy and content, but so much so that they come back to do business again. Examples of their work can be found in both the Apple App Store and in Google Play. The success of apps like CaloriControl, VitaSmart and TravelbyArt are the reason why companies like Gannet Guard Systems, Love Krakow, Credit Agricole and were quick to sign up with Ready4S. And, while their work speaks for itself, it is really their commitment to provide an unparalleled level of service to their customers that has led the way.

AppInventivAppInventivLeading InnovationMobile app development company in Delhi, IndiaFeatured mobile app: TimeKeeper

A true multinational with offices in New York, London, Germany, France and India, AppInventiv has set itself as apart from the rest when it comes to the highly saturated and highly competitive Indian mobile app development market. The firm accomplishes this by adopting a wide spectrum approach and provides their clients with a number of valuable solutions. These include but are not limited to: mobile and web app development, UI/UX design, wearables and IoT devices. Their clients, which include Kmart, UCLA, Spiritec, BMG and Stylefind, list factors like communication, professionalism and on-time delivery as some of the best reasons why they loved working with the highly skilled developers at AppInventiv. Having developed over 230 mobile apps, more than 35 of which having achieved millions of downloads, it is clear to see how AppInventiv is so far ahead of its competition.

Mobulous TechnologiesMobulous TechnologiesWe Build your Next Generation AppMobile app development company in Delhi, IndiaFeatured mobile app: FoodDelivery UAE

The folks over at Mobulous can do it all: development, design, marketing, branding, testing and infrastructure work. However, they are quick to point out that their bread and butter, their specialty is in mobile app development and UI/UX design. It doesn’t matter if a client needs an iOS or an Android app, Mobulous can navigate both waters with ease and precision. With experience in industries ranging from real estate, healthcare to enterprise level clients and everything in between, it is no wonder why clients like ICICI bank, EATON, Trinity, NIIT and Gionee entrust their apps to Mobulous. Their experience, particularly in the domains of instant messaging, calling, VOIP, maps, navigation and social media, have produced apps such as Tender, Catch Cab, MyVoice, MyCurrencyShop, Nosh and Twerck. All of these and many more have undergone the same app development process that has made them famous.

SibersSibersYour one-stop provider of premium software development servicesMobile app development company in Novosibirsk, RussiaFeatured mobile app: YAP Chat

Operating on 4 continents, Sibers is another multinational company that takes a high efficiency and agile approach to bring their clients the most elegant solutions. This methodology allows Sibers’ developers to walk clients app projects through the gamut of app development. Sibers team is great at tackling mobile and web app development requests, however they are equally adept at providing solutions for automation of business processes, research and software re-engineering. To cap things off, they are one of the few developers in the world that have been named as a world top outsourcing provider by the International Association of Outsourcing Providers and achieve Microsoft Gold Certified Partner.

Mallow Technologies Private LimitedMallow Technologies Private LimitedLeverage TechnologyMobile app development company in Karür, IndiaFeatured mobile app: ControlleX

India’s Mallow Technologies, like others on this list, has the capabilities and experience to bring a mere idea to paper, through the development process and all the way to a fully functioning app. Whether it be a small business, startup or larger enterprise business, Mallow Technologies can work with them all. However, what sets this mobile app development company apart is their experience and expertise with the fintech (financial technology) sector, producing apps such as KVB app and the Noverdraft app. iOS users may have stumbled upon some of their more than well known works such as the photo app Phokl and the transportation guide Paris by Metro. Mallow Technologies displays a great deal of flexibility with the types of work that they can take on and have even entered the IoT space with works like Controllex and Logistics Intelligence. Whether it be iOS, Android, PHP or RoR, Mallow Technologies has proven time and again that they can get the job done and their clients point out that their responsiveness combined with their professional and the quality of work that they put out are what makes them one of the best in the world at what they do.

Mobiloitte TechnologiesMobiloitte TechnologiesEnd-to-End Mobile and Web Software Solutions/ServicesMobile app development company in New Delhi, IndiaFeatured mobile app: My Allergy Alert

Mobiloitte is one of those industry powerhouses that seem to have the expertise, manpower and resources to tackle just about any project you may have in mind. This company not only has the technical ability to bring app ideas to life, but to tackle the various operations that come after launch. Marketing, sales generation and even staffing are all within their purview. Working with startups all the way up to the enterprise level, Mobiloitte's mobile app development company has been able to produce some impressive apps for household names like Goodyear, Food Genie, Doctor Pal, TotalWOD and the NFL’s Miami Dolphins. The majority of their clients are quick to point out that what impressed them the most was the quality, functionality and design of the finished products. Take SanDisk, for example, who was impressed with the service that their Mobiloitte team provided while adhering to a tight turnaround time.

Seasia Infotech Pvt. Ltd.Seasia Infotech Pvt. Ltd.Software Outsourcing Done RightMobile app development company in Chandigarh, IndiaFeatured mobile app: Tendir

By being one of the of the few developers that offers infrastructure management, engineering services and quality assurance all under one roof, Seasia has set themselves apart from most other developers. By offering digital marketing and design offerings, Seasia offers their clients in the real estate, retail, location, healthcare, government and social spaces, a comprehensive suite of solutions that few can match. Working with companies like Sharpquestion, Health Coach Connect, E-Museum, Cadence and CampRooms, Seasia has shown that they are willing to take one projects from the startup level, all the way up to the enterprise space.

Eastern PeakEastern PeakCode that works. Products that matter.Mobile app development company in Kharkiv, UkraineFeatured mobile app: Gett

If companies like Cobra Code, Western Union and Allayo are willing to entrust Eastern Peak Software's mobile app development company apps and online brand, you can be sure that it is not only competent, but reliable as well. Ukraine-based Eastern Peak Software has throughout the years provided their client with top-notch mobile and web app development solutions, stemming from basic idea generation, to wireframing and all the way up to design and launch. However, their key differentiator is their marketing and video services push. By focusing on storytelling, Eastern Peak Software services heightens the impact and engagement of their clients’ content and apps. For Eastern Peak Software it is not just about laying down the final line of code or launching the app to the masses. They take interest in and work towards the success of the app into the future. Unsurprisingly, the mobile app development company has its finger on the pulse when it comes to new forms of storytelling which includes the relatively new field of TV apps, clients can now work with this firm to generate apps for Roku, Chromecast, ApplTV and other such “smartTV” platforms.

ARKA SoftwaresARKA SoftwaresDedicated and targetedMobile app development company in Texas, United StatesFeatured mobile app: Snatch App

A developer and designer through and through, Arka's mobile app development company is able to handle projects ranging from e-commerce, mobile, web, CMS and PHP. Their design expertise allows them to merge form and function seamlessly. Post launch isn’t limited to support and maintenance, but can offer marketing services as well to ensure that all the hard work that went into producing the app doesn’t go to waste. Arka Softwares has worked on apps in various industries and verticals which include education, e-commerce, healthcare and gaming. Their ability to accommodate tight budgets and even tighter deadlines places them on the short list for many of their clients, and with apps like BrainGroom, Door2Door Help, MotorCartel, QuickStaff and Passionly it is no wonder why many of their clients are return customers.

Space-O TechnologiesSpace-O TechnologiesA company with GET SHIT DONE cultureMobile app development company in Ahmedabad, IndiaFeatured mobile app: Delegraph

Not just your run of the mill app development company, the depth of solutions that Space-O can offer runs deep. Yes, the mobile app development side of their business is top notch, dealing in iOS and Android, but also with Cloud services, IoT devices and of course web development as well. However, Space-O can also move past development and work with enterprise business to set up their companies digital infrastructure, from architecture to security and from m-governance to automation. Space-O makes the entire process as pain-free as possible for their clients and that is why they rank so high on the lists of so many businesses. Clients see Space-O as a highly responsive and reliable resource, some would also say invaluable. Just by taking a look at some of the apps that they have created such as PhotoLab, Walkonomics, Tunermoji and Slide Show Maker, and it is easy to see why their clients keep on coming back to do more projects with them.


While it may be tempting to ask “So, which is the best?” It would be nearly impossible. Yes, there are differences between the various developers in this list, but one thing is for certain, all of them are at the top of their game. They made the list because they outperformed the competition and provided a valuable service to their clients, which in turn serve as highly vocal advocates of their work. Of all the mobile app development companies in AppFutura’s rolodex of firms, these 10 have more than earned the title of Top Developer and deserve your attention.

Read our blog if you have some doubts about which mobile app development company to hire with the steps you have to follow before hiring the best company for your mobile app project.

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AppFutura has been around to list IT companies and marketing agencies for some years now. During this period, the team has published hundreds of AppFutura tips but also important information for the companies to know more about a specific topic of interest. Among some of the articles, you will find different posts of AppFutura team members that are not quite recurring contributors, like our CTO or our finance controller, as an example. From AppFutura tips to improve your presence online on our directories or some information regarding our company.

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