Building apps with React Native using Native Starter Pro

Published on Feb 18, 2016 in App Development

If you're looking to build an app and tired of spinning your wheels learning how to, this is for you. StrapMobile explains our developers how their Native Starter Pro for iOS and Android app source code. Native Starter Pro is a well designed, responsive iOS & Android app source code to quickly get started on your next project.

JavaScript to build Native Apps

Being written in React Native, Native Starter Pro has JavaScript running in a background thread which prevents the UI from hanging and makes coding easy for JavaScript developers.

Ultimately, it gives you the user experience of the native mobile platforms, along with the developer experience of building on the web.

All operations between the JavaScript application code and the native platform are performed asynchronously. Hence, as promised by its creators at Facebook, React Native apps are naturally fluid and responsive. You can experience that yourself by trying out the demo of Native Starter Pro on Google Play or AppStore.

Native all over

Unlike PhoneGap, which has webview instead of native UI making it slow, everything about React Native is very much native, native components, native views, native modules, native everything. You can update your UI effortlessly.

React Native might very well be the most developer friendly framework to write cross-platform native apps. Developing native apps with React Native is awesomely fast and easy.

All of that with no compromise in performance because as we pointed out, there is JavaScript running on a separate thread.

Smooth, easy navigation with no trouble of compiling again and again

With React Native, you don’t need to compile every time you make a change. It’s just as simple as you code in the browser; save and reload.


The navigation between different components is achieved by using the application architecture that Facebook uses for building client-side web applications, Flux. Events like opening and closing of the sidebar are also controlled by Flux. In fact, passing data between different views is also pretty easy using Flux and React Native's own passProps property.

Packed with features


Native Starter Pro sees the implementation of Flux, React, React Native, React Native Navbar, React Native Vector Icons, React Native Android Statusbar and React Native Drawer.

Apart from that, it has a rich collection of UI elements including icons from Font Awesome, Ionicons, Octicons along with ListView and ScrollView implementation. Slide in left menu is present with footer component and tabbed view.

It includes fine, custom widgets like calendar, scrollable-tab-bar, forms, buttons and likes; more like Bootstrap for native apps.

There's also a number of ready-to-use screens built on easy-to-edit code.


The most important factor: UX

Other than the fact that React Native apps run real smooth, to add to the UX facet, Native Starter Pro has the options of six customizable base colours and subtle fonts, graphics along with the custom widgets.


Moving fast with development

React Native is truly ‘by the developers, for the developers’ but being fairly new, might need comprehensive documentation to go along, which is where Native Starter Pro has the greatest edge.

The documentation is well written and detailed. Also, throughout assistance is provided by the developers team with all your queries.

Needless to say, Native Starter Pro will get your app up and running in no time.

Visit the official product page for more on StrapMobile.

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